Making your
projects work
PM2B is an organisation that is entirely specialised in delivering professional Management support. The focus here lies on delivering Management support in leading complex projects with a great business importance for PM2B’s customers towards the maximum feasible result. The expertise and strength of PM2B is thus directed towards support in areas concerning Project Management, Business Case Management and (Project) Direction.
A PM2B Manager has demonstrable experience and naturally has the correct management skills. Because of these aspects, he or she is capable of managing the process within the project in such a way that the intended result can be realised to its maximum potential. Various national and/or international parties are usually involved in the projects concerned, as either participants and/or suppliers of knowledge, services or materials. PM2B especially focuses on the business importance of the PM2B customer within these projects and will thus pursue his/her interests to their full extent.
With this expertise and capacity, PM2B serves companies in industry, construction, civil engineering, ICT and (semi) state-controlled organisations.
PM2B is satisfied when its customers are content about the commitment of PM2B and the added value that it has given to the project results achieved.